My websites About

  1. What is the topic of your website (so people have some context for the rest of your answers)?


It’s about sharks


  1. What is taking more time than you thought it would? Why do you think that is?


The specific shark pages themselves are taking awhile because they each need individual research.


  1. What is going quicker than you thought it would? Why is that?


The menu and figuring out the home page

I was about to find the things I need with my intuition and the customize page.


  1. Paste in a link to the page/post/category that you’re proudest of so far.


I can’t really do thst from here


  1. What type of information are you putting on your site as posts? Why is that information better suited to posts than pages?


Specific sharks and eventually more. It’s better because more than one reside on one page.


  1. How many pages do you have finished? Nearly finished? Started? Not yet started?

2 finished and around 6 or 7 started


  1. How many posts have your written? How many do you plan to have?


Posts Written: 2

Posts Planned (approximately): 10

  1. Have you decided on a theme? No matter how you answer that, tell us what you looked (or will look) for in a theme. A theme specific to listing animal species.


  1. What do you need to know that would help you get done faster or do a better job on your website?


What I’m going to put on my posts and how I’m going to do the other facts about sharks. Whether they’ll go on posts or pages.

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